• 穩健推動陸域風電
  • 離岸風電推動
臺灣離岸風電廠商資料庫 首頁 Home>臺灣離岸風電廠商資料庫 Taiwan Offshore Wind Energy Industrial Database >已登錄資料修正申請 Requestment for Exist Member Information Modifying

本資料庫系統鑑於經濟部能源署政策需要而建置,功能上目前暫僅開放有意願廠商進行登錄以利主辦單位經濟部能源署瞭解產業需要以利相關活動之辦理,如貴公司資料已建置於本系統,有關資料如有更正或撤銷登錄、移除之需求,可填寫下表申請或以電子郵件發送申請:wind@twtpo.org.tw,我們將有專人盡快與您聯繫。(標示 *(必填) 者為必填項目)

This database currently build for a source of information reference. Taiwan Energy Bureau while policy making itself will need relevant companies in the field to participate, modify or quit according to their willingness, so it shapes Taiwan Offshore Wind Energy Industres and adjust accordingly, please send your requirement to wind@twtpo.org.tw or submit your application below, we will contact you as soon as possible.

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