• 穩健推動陸域風電
  • 離岸風電推動
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刊登日期 Posting Date:2017-08-28  |  資料來源 Source:本站


  • 活動時間--106年9月14日(四)下午1:30~5:00(5:00~6:00於廳外舉行會後茶敘交流活動)
  • 活動地點--台北寒舍艾麗酒店/蘭廳 (台北市信義區松高路18號5樓)


時間/Time 主題/Topic 主講人/Speaker
13:00-14:00 報到Registration
14:00-14:10 貴賓致詞/Opening Remarks 倪安升 丹麥商務辦事處處長
Nicholas Enersen,Director the Trade Council of Denmark, Taipei
Representative from Executive Yuan to be confirmed
14:10-14:35 丹麥出口信貸機構 : 離岸風電專案融資
EKF Danmarks Export Credit Agency : Financing Offshore wind
Christian Ølgaard
Christian Ølgaard,Deputy CEO of Eksport Kredit Fonden (EKF)
14:35-15:00 綜觀台灣離岸風電投資計畫
Overview of an Offshore wind investment in Taiwan
Jesper Krarup Holst,CEO of CI Wind Power Development Taiwan Co Ltd.
15:00-15:25 對台灣的承諾 : 風機安裝實績與歐洲離岸風機安裝與操作之技術轉移-風機種類與場址認證
Our commitment to Taiwan.Our track record and transfer of our installation and operational excellence from Europe.Type-and site certification
Thomas Karst資深副總
WindSenior Vice President(CSO) of MHI Vestas Offshore wind
Morten SØrensen 資深專案融資專員
Senior Project Finance Specialist of MHI Vestas Offshore wind
15:25-15:50 以離岸風電顧問業角度分享專案融資操作模式
Knowledge sharing for offshore wind project financing from consulting engineers perspectives
呂樂湧 NIRAS 台灣執行長
Chung-Young Lu
CEO of NIRAS Taiwan limited
Christian Tomaziu資深顧問
Senior Advisor of NIRAS
15:50-16:10 中場休息/ Coffee Break
16:10-16:25 以國際銀行角度分享綠色融資經驗與實務操作模式
Green financing experiences sharing and practical operation introduction from the international bank perspective
講者邀請中 Speaker to be confirmed
16:25-16:40 以本土銀行角度分享綠色融資經驗與實務操作模式
Green financing experiences sharing and practical operation introduction from the local bank perspective
Cathay United Commercial Bank
Speaker to be confirmed
16:40-17:00 綜合討論/Q&A Section
17:00-18:00 交流茶敘/Reception
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議程.pdf 247KB pdf 2017-08-28 檔案下載